Our little Iylie turned three!! We can't believe it but we sure had fun! She loves Tangled and has been talking about having that as her party since last spring so that's what we did! We had a couple little friends over, had some "hazel nut soup" (AKA chicken noodle) with braided bread, and had a pinata. They had to hit Flynn Ryder with a frying pan:) Such a fun day for a special little person! We sure love having her in our family!
Brett also had a birthday at the beginning of December, the big 28! All I can say is he's aging quite nicely:) We got to go to dinner and that is a treat because we don't get to do it very often! (Thanks dad for the coupon)! So proud of Brett and all he's accomplished this far in his life! I still get butterflies in my stomach when I'm around him just like that fifteen year old girl did when she saw him in seminary 12 years ago. I love you Brett Dille!!

We thought we were going to have another birthday in our family this month. Good thing that didn't happen! We had a little scare after Thanksgiving. I guess I was super dehydrated and when I came home I was spotting:( so I called my doctor late at night and he said to go in and get things checked out. I went to the hospital and they said they wanted to keep me overnight because I was so dehydrated. They also told me I was almost dilated to a three and I was only 33 weeks so that was a little scary. Well I stayed over night, they gave me some steroid shots, and checked my contractions. I was put on bed rest for a couple days which was impossible to do with little Iylie running around but I did my best. They check me every week and so far nothing's changed so things are much better now!